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Playwright Community Highlight: Luc Gagan | Ray.run

This week I wanted to try something different, rather than queue up my next post, I wanted to highlight a Luc Gagan's contributions to the Playwright Community. Luc has only been at it for a few months, and has created some great content, tutorials, tooling, and more on his site https://ray.run.


Ask AI

One of my favorite tools he has released is Ask AI https://ray.run/ask. This tool is quite impressive with a ChatGPT like interface where you can get your Playwright questions answered with code examples.


Another set of tools that lives pinned in my arc website list is https://ray.run/tools. This is a huge list of tools that can easily be used thanks to the keyboard shortcut searching that's been built in. Converters, formatters, sorters, encode and decoders OH MY! This is my new go to place in that all the tools are on one page and there aren't any ads!

Playwright Jobs

The last tool I'll highlight is the job listings that are narrowed down for those looking for Playwright Jobs - https://ray.run/jobs. Though this list is small today as Playwright continues to grow in popularity and adoption, I only see this being a go to place to find your next role using Playwright.

There are a ton more resources along with great blog articles and tutorials. Thanks for all you are doing for the Playwright community Luc!

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