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Hands on Test Automation with Playwright 99 Minute Workshop

I've partnered with the Ministry of Testing to lead a live 99 minute hands on workshop. I'm really excited to help folks get started on their journey utilizing Playwright for automation. This workshop is available for free to all Ministry of Testing Pro members. To sign up for a Pro membership visit the Membership page.


March 15th, 2023 @ 7:00 PM GMT (local timezone on the registration page)


Playwright is a newer tool that has joined the ranks of Cypress and Selenium in open source automation tooling. During this workshop you’ll have a chance to learn and get some hands on experience with the top features that make Playwright a great choice for your automated regression checks.


  • Describe the top Playwright Test Runner Features
  • Examine an application and create a simple test plan
  • Create Automated checks for the scenarios we previously identified
  • Create a test that uses advanced playwright features intercepting network traffic


  • Basic understanding of any coding language
  • Node 16 or higher installed
  • VS Code installed
  • Ability to install npm packages
Hands on Test Automation with Playwright
Let’s get hands on with Playwright in this 99 Minute Workshop from Butch Mayhew

If are planning on attending, reach out and let me know on LinkedIn. If you want more content delivered to you in your inbox subscribe below.